Pressure Systems, Inc. NetScanner™ System (9016, 9021, & 9022) User’s Manual
3 - 75
NETWORK QUERY (UDP/IP Command ‘psi9000’)
Purpose: To determine how many (and which) modules are powered-up and operational on
the network.
Command “psi9000"
Response “ipadr, ethadr, sernum, mtype,
sfwver, connst, ipadrst, lisport,
subnet, iparpst, udpast, pwrst,”
Description: When a module receives this broadcast command (by continuously monitoring port
7000) it responds with a broadcast (on port 7001) with an ASCII response
containing comma-separated parameters. These are listed in the following table:
Parameter Meaning
ipadr IP address
ethadr Ethernet address
sernum Serial number
mtype Module type (e.g., 9016)
sfwver Software version (e.g., x.xx decimal format)
connst Connection status (1=connected, 0=available)
ipadrst IP address status (1=has one, 0=waiting for server)
lisport IP listening port for connections (default=9000)
subnet Subnet mask
iparpst IP address resolution status (1=uses RARP/BOOTP
server, 0=uses static IP address stored internally)
udpast UDP auto status (1=broadcasts this response
automatically after connection possible, 0=only sends
response for “psi9000" UDP/IP command.
pwrst Power-up status (same as a ‘q02' command response)