4.6 Packet Commands
C156-E205-01EN 4-43
Table 4.44 INQUIRY data
0 Reserved
Peripheral Device Type Optical memory Device (07h)
2 Version (04h)
3 Reserved Response data format (2h)
4 Additional length (2Bh)
5-7 Reserved
8-15 Vendor Information
Left justified. The rightmost data field not used is filled with space characters. (20h)
16-31 Products Identification
"MCJ3230AP" (in ASCII)
Left justified. The rightmost data field not used is filled with space characters. (20h)
32-35 Firmware Revision Level
"0000" - "999z" (in ASCII)
36 Firmware Local Revision
00h - FFh (in HEX)
37 Boot Firmware Revision Level
00h - FFh (in HEX)
38-39 Signature
"MO" (in ASCII)
40-47 Factory infomation
The Factory Information is the data for drive manufacturing factories. The data
may vary depending on the device. Therefore, the host should not have an
expected value. Normally return 0.