C156-E205-01EN IN-
00h 4-33
08h 4-23
128 MB disk 2-10
1.3 GB disk 2-10
230 MB disk 2-10
2.3 GB capacity 1-2
2.3 GB disk 2-10
540 MB/640 MB disk 2-10
+5 VDC 3-12
90h 4-23
A0h 4-34
A1h 4-26
Abnormal termination of processing 3-23
Active mode 4-17
Actuator section 1-7
Adaptability 1-4
Affixing index label 5-9
Affixing index label on MO cartridge 5-9
Air flow 3-3
Air purity 3-4
Algorithm for alternate processing 2-11
Allowable input voltage and current 3-12
Alternate status register 4-7
ASC/ASCQ list 4-69, 4-70
ATA command 4-21
ATA command register 4-7
ATA feature register 4-10
ATAPI block device select register 4-9
ATAPI byte count register 4-8
ATAPI controller circuit section 1-9
ATAPI interrupt reason register 4-10
ATAPI reset 4-13
ATAPI status register 4-111
ATA sector count register 4-10
ATA software reset 4-13
Automatic allocation of alternate data block
Automatic alternate sector assignment
function 4-14
Automatic spindle stop function 1-3
Bit definition of alternate status register 4-7
Bit definition of ATAPI block device select
register 4-9
Bit definition of ATAPI byte count register
Bit definition of ATAPI feature register
Bit definition of ATAPI interrupt reason
register 4-10
Bit definition of ATAPI status register 4-11
Bit definition of device control register 4-7
Bit definition of drive address register 4-8
Bit definition of error register 4-9
Bit error rate after ECC processing 2-5
Block descriptor 4-45, 4-57
Cable connection 3-13, 3-21
Cable connection diagram 3-14
Cable connector specification 3-14
Cable select example 3-17
Cable select mode setting 3-16
Cache function 4-15
Caching page 4-50
Capacity list header 4-61
Center of gravity 3-9
Changeable value in caching page 4-50
Changeable value in flexible disk page 4-49
Changeable value in read-write recovery
page 4-47
Changing revision number on site 6-4
Check if error occurs at initial self-diagnosis
CHECK POWER MODE command 4-22
Cleaning drive 5-6
Cleaning kit 5-11
Cleaning optical disk cartridge 5-11
Cleaning procedure 5-12
Cleaning procedure (1) 5-12
Cleaning procedure (2) 5-13
Cleaning procedure (3) 5-13
Cleaning procedure (4) 5-14