4.7 Timing
C156-E205-01EN 4-91
Table 4.120 Power-on and reset timing
Symbol Timing parameter min max
t10 RESET- pulse width
25 #s
t11 Device 0 RESET- negation to BSY bit set to one, release
- 400 ns
t12 Device 0 release DASP- - 1 ms
t13 Device 0 sample time of DASP- 1 ms 450 ms
t14 Device 0 sample time of PDIAG- 1 ms 31 s
t15 Device 1 RESET- negation to BSY bit set to one - 400 ns
t16 Device 1 assert DASP- - 400 ms
t17 Device 1 negate PDIAG - if asserted - 1 ms
t18 Device 1 assert PDIAG- - 30 s