4.5 ATA Commands
C156-E205-01EN 4-27
The transfer byte length is 512 bytes.
One-word information uses DD15 as MSB (Most Significant Bit) and DD0 as
LSB (Least Significant Bit).
For ASCII character information such as base serial number, firmware version
number, and product number, the first character code in the string uses word 1,
DD15 to 8; the second character code uses word 1, DD7 to 0; the third character
code uses word 2, DD15 to 8; and so on.
Table 4.27 Device parameter information (1/6)
Word Value Bits Description
0 80C0h General configuration information
15-14 Protocol type (10b = ATAPI device)
13 Reserved
12-8 Device type 00000b = Direct access unit
7 Replaceable media device 1b
6-5 CMD DRQ type (10b = Accelerated DRQ)
4-2 Reserved
1-0 Command packet size (B'00' = 12 bytes)
1-9 0000h Reserved
10-19 "xxx...xxx" Base serial number
(Left justified, ASCII codes)
20-22 0000h Reserved
23-26 "aaab" Firmware version number
aaa: Major level version number (000 - 999)
b: Minor level version number (0 - 9, a - z, and A - Z)
(Left justified, ASCII codes, blank indicating space character)
27-46 “FUJITSU
Product number
(Left justified, ASCII codes, blank indicating space character)
47-48 0000h Reserved
49 0F00h 15 Interleave DMA transfer supported (0b)
14 Command queing supported (0b)
13 Overlap function supported (0b)
12 Reserved (0b)
11 IORDY supported (1b)
10 IORDY can be disabled (1b)
9 LBA mode supported (1b)
8 DMA transfer mode supported (1b)
7-0 Unused (0b)