5.16 Collecting and Exporting Audit Logs
5.16.2 Exporting Audit Logs
To export audit logs collected in the Central Admin Server, execute "AmExportLog.exe" in
the command prompt on the computer installed with the Central Admin Server software.
z Command storage location
z Command executable format
The italic text represents variable character strings.
To show the status of the process, specify -v.
z File name format of an output audit log
z Audit log (system)
z Audit log (user)
z Return value
z 0
z Other than 0
Under the [\AmManager\Bin] folder in the installation folder of the Central Admin
Server software
AmExportLog -d OutputFolder [-v]
An [AuditLogs] folder is created in the specified output folder. In this
[AuditLogs] folder, a folder is created for each date to save audit logs.
The date of a folder corresponds to that of when audit logs are collected in the
Central Admin Server. Therefore, the date may differ from that on the scanner
when the logs are created.
z Do not execute this command twice at the same time.
z If a file name already exists, the existing file will be overwritten.
z When exported, audit logs are deleted from the Central Admin Server.
z If an error occurs while exporting, the audit logs that have been exported are
deleted from the Central Admin Server.