Genicom 3400e Printer User Manual

110 EasyCoder 3400e Bar Code Label Printer User’s Manual
image bands
definition, 102
description, 53
function, 54
optimizing with print speed, 54
imaging, definition, 102
increasing printer throughput, 53
inspecting the printer, 32
installing, printer, 3
communications, 90
EasyLAN 10i, 71
EasyLAN 10i2 adapter accessory, 71
EasyLAN Wireless, 71
RS-232, 90
RS-422, 91
RS-485, 91
Interleaved 2 of 5, 74
Intermec Standard protocol, described, 86
international character sets, 78
IPL commands, using to communicate, 29
ips, definition, 102
ISO, definition, 102
K, L
Kanji/Katakana option, 72
definition, 102
definition, 102
positioning along the length of label, 64
positioning parallel along width of label, 65
gap, definition, 102
mark sensor, adjusting, 50
rest point, setting dot increments, 60
sensors, cleaning, 38
ladder, definition, 102
languages, international character sets, 78
front panel, 16
indicators, 16
media or system faults, 17
over-temperature condition, 17
understanding, 16
fanfold media, 5
media for straight-through printing, 18
roll media, 18
thermal transfer ribbon, 22, 23
mainframe, connecting to the 3400, 11
location of parts to be maintained, 33
schedule, 32
margin, definition, 103
matrix symbologies, See 2D symbologies
Maxicode, 75
definition, 103
fault, troubleshooting, 43
guides, cleaning, 37
loading fanfold, 5
loading in the printer, 18
path, cleaning, 37
specifications, 69
media or system faults, 17
media sensitivity number
description of, 24
setting for Intermec media and ribbon, 26
settings table
direct thermal media, 27
thermal transfer media, 28
additional storage, flash SIMM, 52
expansion option, 72
increasing amount available, 52, 58
limitations, 52
resetting, 58
returning printer to default settings, 58
limitations, 52
problems, 52
using efficiently, 52
mnemonic code, definition, 103
MSN, See media sensitivity number
Multi-Drop protocol
definition, 103
described, 88
N, O
network, connecting to the 3400, 10
OCR font, definition, 103
offline, definition, 103
On/Off switch, 3
online, definition, 103
opening the printer, 4
operation problems, troubleshooting, 42
communication interface, 71
finishers, 72
printer, 71
over-temperature condition, 17
definition, 103
interface, pin descriptions, 72
port, using to connect the 3400 to a PC, 9
parameters, definition, 103
PDF417, 75
picket, definition, 103
pin descriptions, parallel interface, 72
definition, 103
test label, printing, 58
plugging in the printer, 3