Advanced Operations
6. The ”Average“ and ”Std Deviation“ are calculated from
100 successive absorbance measurements. The result is
displayed and is to be compared with the nominal/standard
data (given in the quality control certificate) of the sample
cell/test filter.
Note: Failings and passings will be defined by the user.
7. Press Cancel to return to Optical Checks. Absorbance check
The Absorbance Check test is used to test the photometric
accuracy and repeatability of the instrument.
This test can be used to test absorbance at any wavelength by a
specific sample or test filter set (Refer to section on
page 113).
1. Press Absorbance Check in the Optical Checks menu.
2. Press λ to input the wavelength.
3. Input the wavelength and press OK to confirm.
4. Remove any cuvette/sample cell from the cell compartment,
close the cell compartment, and press Zero.
5. Insert sample cuvette/cell or test filter into the cell
compartment, close the cell compartment, and press Read.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for a total of 10 replicates to obtain final