HP (Hewlett-Packard) 39g+ Calculator User Manual

Using mathematical functions 11-13
UTPF Upper-Tail Snedecor’s F Probability given numerator
degrees of freedom and denominator degrees of freedom
(of the F distribution), evaluated at value. Returns the
probability that a Snedecor's F random variable is
greater than value.
UTPF(numerator, denominator, value)
UTPN Upper-Tail Normal Probability given mean and variance,
evaluated at value. Returns the probability that a normal
random variable is greater than value for a normal
distribution. Note: The variance is the square of the
standard deviation.
UTPN(mean, variance, value)
UTPT Upper-Tail Student’s t-Probability given degrees of
freedom, evaluated at value. Returns the probability that
the Student's t- random variable is greater than value.
UTPT(degrees, value)
Real-number functions
Some real-number functions can also take complex
CEILING Smallest integer greater than or equal to value.
CEILING(3.2) returns 4
CEILING(-3.2) returns -3
DEGRAD Degrees to radians. Converts value from Degrees angle
format to Radians angle format.
DEGRAD(180) returns 3.14159265359, the
value of π.
FLOOR Greatest integer less than or equal to value.
FLOOR(-3.2) returns -4