10: Running Total and Statistics 121
File name : 17BII-Plus-Manual-E-PRINT-030709 Print data : 2003/7/11
Running Total and Statistics
The SUM menu stores and statistically analyzes sets of numbers. As you
enter the numbers, the calculator displays their running total. Once
you’ve entered the numbers into a list, you can:
! Calculate the mean, median, standard deviation, and range.
! Display the largest and smallest number in the list.
! Sort the list from smallest number to largest number.
With two lists of numbers, you can:
! Do curve-fitting and forecasting calculations using two SUM lists and
one of four models―linear, exponential, logarithmic, and power.
(Curve fitting for the linear model is called linear regression.)
! Calculate the weighted mean and grouped standard deviation.
! Find the summation statistics (∑x, ∑x
, ∑y, ∑y
, ∑xy).
You can store many separate lists of numbers in SUM. The maximum
number depends on the amount of available calculator memory.