170 12: The Equation Solver
File name : 17BII-Plus-Manual-E-PRINT-030709 Print data : 2003/7/11
Table 12-2. Solver Functions for Equations (Continued)
Function Description
HMS(time) Converts time in decimal hours to
HH.MMSS format.
HRS(time) Converts time in HH.MMSS format to
decimal hours.
IDIV(x:y) Integer part of the quotient of x/y.
) Conditional expression: if cond is true,
use expr
; if cond is false, use expr
See page 174.
INT(x) Greatest integer less than or equal to x.
INV(x) Inverse of x; 1/x.
IP(x) Integer part of x.
ITEM(SUM-listname:item#) Value of the specified SUM-list item.
LN(x) Natural (base e) log of x.
LNP1(x) In (1 + x)
LOG(x) Common (base 10) log of x.
MAX(x:y) Compares x and y, and returns the
larger of the two.
MIN(x:y) Compares x and y, and returns the
smaller of the two.
MOD(x:y) Remainder of the division x/y.
MOD(x,y) = x-y x INT(x/y)
PI π ; 3.14159265359 (12 digits).
RND(x:y) Rounds x to y decimal places if 0 ≤ y ≤
11, or rounds x to y significant digits if
-12 ≤ y ≤-1. y must be an integer.
S(variable name) Used in an IF function to test if solving
for the variable named. Used to
combine related equations into one
Solver menu. See page 178.
SGN(x) Sign of x (+1 if x > 0, 0 if x=0, -1 if
x < 0.