Chapter 2 — Configuring the PB50
36 PB50 Mobile Label and Receipt Printer User’s Guide
where xxxxxxxxxx can be a value from 0 to 64 characters.
• Send the following command to make sure your values match
those used by the access point:
setup write "8021x","uart1:"
• You may need to send the following command several times for
the wireless station to connect:
setup "wlan","ACTIVE","1"<ETX>
Setting Up USB Communications
To set up USB communications with your PC, you will need:
• USB cable
• Intermec InterDriver® software
You can download the InterDriver software from the Intermec web
site at
Setting Up Serial Communications
Use a serial cable (P/N 075497-001) to connect the PB50 to a PC or a
mobile computer. For the mobile computer, you may need to
purchase a serial adapter. For more information, contact your local
Intermec sales representative.
Before you can establish a serial connection, you need to make sure
that the settings on the PC or mobile computer match those of the
Serial Port Settings on the PB50
Parameter Default Setting
Baud rate 115200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control XON_XOFF (IPL)