Interphase Tech 4221 Network Card User Manual

Chapter 3 - MACSI Host Interface
Address modifier
This field contains the VMEbus address modifier used for the transfer. Refer to your system documentation
for possible values for this field.
Memory type (MT)
This 2-bit field specifies the width of the data transfers. Permitted values are:
Table 3-17. Memory Type
Transfer type (TT)
This 2-bit field specifies the type of data transfer to be performed. Permitted values are:
Table 3-18. Transfer Type
Direction bit (DIR)
This bit is ignored.
Bit 9 Bit 8 Memory Type
0 0 Reserved (or Short I/O)
0 1 16 bit transfers
1 0 32 bit transfers
Bit 11 Bit 10 Transfer Type
00Normal Type
01Block Mode
1 1 VME D64 Block