Interphase Tech 4221 Network Card User Manual

Chapter 3 - MACSI Host Interface
Table 3-25. Intel 82596 Transmit Status / Control
Backoff method (BM) (p. 4-131)
This parameter determines when to start the back-off timeout.
Disable backoff (DB) (p. 4-141)
Disables the backoff algorithm implemented in the 82596.
Linear priority (LIN PRI) (p. 4-130,131)
Specifies the number of slot times that the 82596 waits after Interframe Spacing or after Backoff before
enabling transmission.
Exponential priority (EXP PRI) (p 4-131)
Extends the range from which the random number for backoff is selected.
Interframe spacing (p 4-133)
Specifies the time period, in transmit unit clocks, that the 82596 must wait after detecting the later of the two
events; the last bit has been transmitted, or Carrier Sense becomes inactive.
Slot time (p. 4-133,134)
Specifies Slot Time, in transmit unit clocks, for the network. This can be changed to optimize the network to
specific application environments.
Automatic retry (AR) (p. 4-139)
Causes the 82596 to automatically retry transmission if a collision is detected before the last 30 bits of the
Preamble sequence.
Max retry (p. 4-134)
Specifies the maximum number of transmission retries (after a collision) that the 82596 performs before
transmission is aborted.
Intel 82596 Status/Control Receive Functions
This field provides equivalent direct access to 82596 receive-related functions.
Intel 82596 Transmit Status/Control
Offst 1514131211109876543210
0x0C Interframe Spacing EXP PRI LIN PRI DB BM
0x0D Max Entry AR Slot Time