Interphase Tech 4221 Network Card User Manual

Chapter 3 - MACSI Host Interface
Command Options
Table 3-28. Command Options
Interrupt enable (IE)
As defined in the Common IOPB Structures.
Update user default (UUD)
Setting this bit updates the NVRAM-stored user default physical node address for the specified port with the
value provided in the Physical Node Address field.
Restore manufacturers address (RMC)
This field restores the original manufacturers MAC address, using information stored in the CIB.
Port selector
This field determines the port to which the action will be applied. Permitted values range from 0 to 3.
Restore factory default (RFD)
Setting this bit restores the current address from the factory assigned default stored in NVRAM. This action
eliminates any currently stored user default for the specified port.
Restore user default data (RUD)
Setting this bit restores the current address from the user data stored in the CIB.
Program factory MAC address (PFM)
Setting this bit updates the factory assigned default address stored in NVRAM from the contents of the
Physical Node Address field. This bit is intended only for internal Interphase use, and should not be
documented or used externally.
Command Options
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