
May be executed while transport is running.
* Available when filming; for use only with Microimager 70 (with or without AFM), and
Scanner/Microimager 990.
** Available when scanning; for use only with the Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, and
Scanner/Microimager 990.
*** Available when using advanced capabilities; for use only with the Microimager 70 (with AFM),
Scanner 900, Scanner 923, Scanner 9500, and Scanner/Microimager 990.
B-4 A-61097 May 1997
P-Key Definition Input
Code Function Code Name/Description Required Optional
F41 Primary DP1 On/Off
Allows you to turn the primary document printer 1 on
or off.
f41 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F42*** Secondary DP1 On/Off
Allows you to turn the secondary document printer 1
on or off.
f42 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F43 Document Printer 12 On/Off
Allows you to turn the document printer 12 on or off.
f43 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
Omit Printing on Next Document Only
Allows you to omit printing by all document printers
on the next document only.
F45 Print Test
Allows you to test the position and print quality of all
document printers installed.
F46 Print Position
Allows you to specify how far from the leading edge
of the document all document printers will print.
F49 Purge Frequency
Allows you to specify how often, in terms of the
number of documents fed into the transport, a
priming ink spurt is initiated.
F50 Patch Reader 1 On/Off
Allows you to turn the primary patch reader on or off.
f50 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F51*** Patch Reader 2 On/Off
Allows you to turn the secondary patch reader on or
f51 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F52*** End Fed Patch Reading On/Off
Allows you to turn end fed patch reading on or off.
f52 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F53*** Patch Reading Confirmation Tone
Allows you to turn the patch reading confirmation
tone on or off.
f53 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
Omit Patch Reading on Next Document Only
Allows you to omit patch reading on the next
document only.
F56 Printer Open Jet Test
Allows you to determine whether or not there are
non-functional ink jets in the Document Printer 12 ink
F57 Endorser On/Off
Allows you to turn the endorser on or off.
f57 ,0 off/disable
,1 on/enable
F58 Endorser Mode
Allows you to display the current endorser mode
and/or change the endorser mode.