LaCie Biggest Quadra
User Manual
page 25
Setting Up the Biggest Quadra
If you are resetting the RAID level after having used
the LaCie Biggest Quadra at another RAID level, the
LaCie Biggest Quadra will display a warning on the
LCD, asking if you are certain that you want to initial-
ize the new RAID array. e initialization process will
erase any data on the disks.
e LCD Display of the LaCie Biggest Quadra will
issue a “Create New RAID” message. Press the Enter
button to select Yes, or press the Menu button to select
ImpOrTANT INfO: e initialization pro-
cess is a time-intensive process and is dependent
upon the size of the disks and the RAID level be-
ing initialized. For example, four, 400GB disks in a
RAID 5 array could take over two hours.
In the event that the power is interrupted during
the initialization process, the LaCie Biggest
Quadra will resume the initialization process
from the point of interruption as soon as the
power is restored.
All four of the Drive Bays should be locked in
place in the LaCie Biggest Quadra before the
initialization process. If the four Drive Bays are
not installed correctly when the power is turned
on, the alarm will sound and a “RAID Fail”
message will be displayed on the LCD, unless: a
RAID 5 + Hot Spare level has been set and the
bottom three Drive Bays have disks installed.
In this instance, the initialization of a RAID 5
array will begin.
TeChNICAl NOTes: For a complete list of
the LCD Display messages and Disk Status and
Activity Indicators, please see sections 5.1. Disk
Status and Activity Indicators and 5.2. LCD Dis-
play Messages.
e RAID capacity is determined by the RAID
level and the capacity of the drives installed. For
more information, please see sections 3.1, RAID
0, 3.2., RAID 0 + 1, 3.3., RAID 5 and 3.4.,
RAID 5 + Hot Spare.
At the time of publication (September 2006),
some Windows versions do not allow the config-
uration of storage policies with more than 2TB.
is limitation does not exist for Mac OS X.