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Installing Windows 7
To install Windows 7 and its related software on your computer, do as follows:
1. Insert the DVD for Windows 7 into the DVD drive, and restart the computer. Follow the install instructions
on the screen.
2. Restore C:\SWTOOLS from the backup copy you made before starting the installation.
3. Installing Intel Chipset Support for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7. See “Installing Intel Chipset Support for
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7” on page 137
4. Install device drivers. See “Installing other device drivers” on page 137.
Installing Registry Patch for Windows 7
Install the following Registry Patch:
Registry Patch for enabling WOL on Energy Star V4 from S3
To install the Registry Patch, refer to the following web site:
Installing the Windows 7 Update Module Package
The Windows 7 Update Modules are in the following directory:
The name of each subfolder is the number of a x module. For information about each x module, visit the
Microsoft Knowledge Base homepage at http://support.microsoft.com/, type the number of the x module
you need in the search eld, and click Search.
Note: The Web site address might change without notice. If the homepage is not displayed, search for it
from the Microsoft top page.
To install a x module, run the .exe le in a subfolder and follow the instructions on the screen.
Note: If you remove the hard disk drive from the computer with a single-core processor and install it on a
computer with a dual-core processor, you can get access to the hard disk drive. The opposite, however, is
not true: If you remove the hard disk drive from a computer with a dual-core processor and install it on a
computer with a single-core processor, you cannot get access to the hard disk drive.
Installing Windows Vista
Before you start, print these instructions.
Note: Your computer supports Windows Vista with Service Pack 2. Before you install Windows Vista Service
Pack 2, make sure you install the Windows Vista Service Pack 1 rst.
To install Windows Vista and its related software on your computer, do as follows:
132 User Guide