Setting the MarkNet XLe Busy Timeout smaller than the host "release timer" value
will result in communication errors after the job has printed.
5.5 Printing IPDS from PSF/400 with OS/400
V3R1 or V3R6
Install the latest cumulative PTF fix pack or tape for the operating system (including
the tool, WRKAFP2).
• PTF SF29249
PTF SF29249, which is available from IBM, provides the source code for
WRKAFP2 and must be installed. This PTF provides QSYS/QPQXWAFP
program command source code in the PTF cover letter special instructions.
• PTF SF29961 (V3R1)
• PTF SF32907 (V3R6)
1. Set up and start the TCP/IP network:
• Create a Token-Ring or an Ethernet line description for the printer
• Add a TCP/IP interface using ADDTCPIFC.
• Add a router definition, if required, using ADDTCPRTE.
• Start TCP/IP using STRTCP.