Data Addendum Host-Based Controller Modem
June 15, 1998 AT Command Set
AT Voice Commands Reference (continued)
Version 1.0 Lucent Technologies Inc.
AT+VRA=<interval> Ringback Goes Away Timer
The modem uses the ringback goes away timer when originating a call.
This command sets this timer to the amount of time the modem shall wait between ringbacks before assuming
that the remote station has gone off-hook.
AT+VRA? Returns the current value.
AT+VRA=? Returns the range of supported values.
AT+VRN=<interval> Ringback Never Appeared Timer
The modem uses the ringback never appeared timer when originating a call.
The AT+VRN command sets this timer to the amount of time that the modem shall spend looking for an initial
ringback. If ringback is not detected within this interval, the modem shall assume that the remote station has
gone off-hook.
AT+VRN? Returns the current value.
AT+VRN=? Returns the supported values.
AT+VPR=<rate> Select DTE/DCE Interface Rate
The AT+VPR command returns an OK for any rate but has no action.
Events Reported to the DTE :
The modem will return OK when going off-hook in voice mode (+FCLASS=8). After answering in voice mode, the
modem may send any of the following <DLE> shielded event codes to the DTE, as appropriate:
<DLE> Shielded Codes Sent from DCE to DTE
Code Character Description
09, AD, #, * DTMF tones
a Answer tone
b Busy tone
c Fax calling tone
d Dial tone
e Data calling tone
h Local phone on-hook
H Local phone off-hook
R Ring
s Silence timer has expired
<ETX> End of voice data transmission
@ CAS tone detected
<DLE> Codes Sent to DCE:
For simple actions in voice mode, the modem may send any of the following <DLE> shielded event codes
(in ASCII) to the DTE, as appropriate:
<DLE> Shielded Codes Sent from DTE to DCE
Code Character Description
u Bump up the volume by 1 dB
d Bump down the volume by 1 dB
<ETX> End of voice data transmission
! End receive data state