Host-Based Controller Modem Data Addendum
AT Command Set June 15, 1998
AT Commands for Homologation Testing and Debugging (continued)
Lucent Technologies Inc. Version 1.0
Modifying Homologation Parameters
Once the modem is configured for a country, the homologation parameters shown in Table 3 can be temporarily
altered for that country with the following AT command
where par# and param_value should be entered in HEX. For example, AT%T21,7,28 sets the call progress
threshold to -40 dB. AT%T22,par# displays the current value of the parameter in HEX. The par# parameter
descriptions are shown in Table 3. The country specific default values (param_value) are shown in Table 4.
Note: If a parameter is changed with the AT%T21 command, the ATZ and AT&F commands do not reset the
homologation parameters to the default values (i.e., the changes made are not reset until the power is turned off).