Microtest TSB-67 - 568A Annex E Scanner User Manual

Page 61
If OVR (Overrange) is displayed, the Capacitance is greater than can be measured or the cable is
properly connected.
Press the ESCAPE key to exit.
Impulse Noise Test Results
To display the IMPULSE NOISE screen, from the Ready screen, press Jack (F4) and set the Jack
to Coax. Then press the Measure Cable Performance key, then select Impulse Noise.
During the Noise test, the cable can be open, shorted or terminated. There is no preference.
Press Clear (F2) to clear the graph.
Press Level (F4) to change the voltage level for detecting impulses.
Press the ESCAPE key to exit.
Peak-to-Peak Noise Test Results
To display the PEAK-TO-PEAK NOISE screen, from the Ready screen, press Jack (F4) and set
the Jack to Coax. Then press the Measure Cable Performance key, then select P-P Noise.
During the Noise test, the cable can be open, shorted or terminated. There is no preference.
Press the ESCAPE key to exit.
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(602) 952-6400 FAX (602) 952-6401
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Crawley, West Sussex, RH102XN, United Kingdom
+44 1293 894000, FAX +44 1293 894008
Part Number 2938-4509-03E Rev 1 3/96