7.2 Error Codes
Following is a list of error codes in sequent display on the PIO debug board.
Special init of COMM and LPT ports3Fh
Update NUMLOCK status3Eh
Search and init the mouse3Dh
Initialize the hardware vectors3Ch
Test for RTC ticking3Bh
Test if 18.2Hz periodic working3Ah
Setup cache controller39h
Update output port38h
Protected mode exit successful37h
RAM test complete36h
Protected mode entered safely(2)35h
Test, blank and count all RAM34h
Test keyboard command byte33h
Test keyboard Interrupt32h
Test if keyboard Present31h
Special init of keyboard ctlr30h
POST Routine DescriptionCode
USB HC init52h
PM init & Geyserville CPU init51h
ACPI init50h
Jump into bootstrap code49h
Dispatch to operate system boot48h
OEM functions before boot47h
Test for coprocessor installed46h
Update NUMLOCK status45h
OEM’s init of power management44h
Initialize option ROMs43h
Initialize the hard disk42h
Initialize the floppies41h
Configure the COMM and LPT ports40h
POST Routine DescriptionCode