• Arbitrated short reset
• Enhanced priority arbitration
• Connection debounce
• Multispeed packet concatenation
• Ack accelerated arbitration
• Fly-by concatenation
• Per port disable, suspend, resume, through register write and remote command packet
• Remote access packet
• Boundary node short reset
• No PHY_ID wrap past 63
Logic performs bus initialization and arbitration functions
Encode and decode functions included for data-strobe bit-level encoding
Incoming data resynchronized to local clock.
24.576 MHz crystal oscillator and PLL provide TX/RX data at 100/200/400 Mbps and Link-Layer Controller
clock at 49.152 MHz.
Cable power presence monitoring.
Programmable node power class information for system power management
Fully Compliant 1394a P2000 PHY register map
Separate TPBIAS for each port
Cable ports monitor line conditions for active connection to remote node
Automatic power down inactive circuit and logic for low power application
Self power up reset and pinless PLL to reduce passive component counts on system