Hardware Installation
Smartio C168H/HS User’s Manual 2-7
Note that, currently, port that uses MOXA Windows NT and
95/98 driver
will run at the displayed speed. To be clear, when
Smartio C168 Series board is configured as High Speed
, any port driven by the Moxa-provided Windows
NT and 95/98 driver
will display the exact working speed. For
example, the displayed speed 38.4 Kbps is equal to the working
speed 38.4 Kbps.
However, if the port is driven by
NON Moxa-provided driver,
such as
standard serial driver, or Moxa drivers other than
Windows NT and 95/98, such as
DOS, the real working speed
is equal to
8 times of the displayed speed. For example, a port,
if set to Normal Speed Spectrum with 38.4 Kbps, will work at
38.4 Kbps for sure; while a port, if set to High Speed Spectrum
with displayed speed 38.4 Kbps, will actually work at 307.2
Kbps (38.4 Kbps
The following is the
8 times speed mapping list for quick
reference purpose,
particularly for DOS driver.