3-24 Smartio C168H/HS User’s Manual
Installing Driver
The following description is for Smartio C168 Series under SCO UNIX/OpenServer
and UNIX SVR4.2.
Step 1. Login the UNIX system as a super user (root).
Step 2. Change to root directory.
cd /
Step 3.
Insert the UNIX driver diskette into the floppy drive A: (or B:).
If driver files are obtained from MOXA FTP service, put them under
/tmp/moxa directory and skip the following 'tar' command.
Step 4. Extract the files by,
tar xvf /dev/fd0135ds18 /tmp/moxa/mxinstall (if A: floppy drive)
Step 5. Start the installation program,
Now follow the prompted instructions to finish the driver installation.
Choose the listed and desired operation system when asked. Currently,
MOXA supports SCO UNIX (and SCO OpenServer, SCO Open Desktop)
and UNIX SVR4.2 (and UnixWare). Ask your dealer for newly supported
device drivers. If your system is none of the listed, choose the closest one
to try.
Copyright (C) 199x Moxa Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
MOXA UNIX Device Driver Installation Ver. x.x