Multi-Tech Systems DT102/xx Fax Machine User Manual

DataTalker Owner’s Manual
1.7 Specifications
1.7.1 Async Data Channel
Number of Channels One
Maximum Speed 115,200 bps
Channel Speed All standard speeds from 300 bps to 115,200 bps
Data Format 5, 6, 7, or 8 data bits, with 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits
Parity Odd, even, or none
Local Echo On or off selectable
Flow Control XON/XOFF, CTS, or HP ENQ/ACK selectable
Pacing On or off selectable, RTS on/off, or XON/XOFF
Interface RS-232D/ITU-T V.24; DB-25 female connector
1.7.2 Sync Data Channel
Data Format Synchronous
Channel Speed Up to 128K bps
Protocol SDLC/HDLC
Error Correction 16-bit CRC block check with ARQ
Interface RS-232D/ITU-T V.24; DB-25 female connector
1.7.3 System Control (Command Port)
Local Access Through DataTalker’s RS232C command port
Device Any asynchronous keyboard terminal or PC in terminal mode (local
access only)
Menus Menus to configure data channel, voice/fax channel(s), and
composite link. Statistics menu and test menus are provided to
monitor performance and diagnose problems.
Diagnostics Data or voice loopback, memory, watch dog tests, and DIP switch
definitions and settings
1.7.4 Composite Link
Number of Links One
Data Format Synchronous
Link Speeds Up to 256K bps
Link Protocol Proprietary modified HDLC
Error Correction 16-bit CRC block check with ARQ
Interface RS-232D/V.24 or ITU-T V.35, or use DataTalker integral modem,
DSU, or ISDN terminal adapter