
Chapter 6: Using the Software
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MVPGSM 82
3. Install FTP Client Program or Use Substitute. You should install an FTP client program on the controller
PC. FTP file transfers can be done using a web browser (e.g., Firefox or Internet Explorer) in conjunction
with a local Windows browser a (e.g., Windows Explorer), but this approach is somewhat clumsy (it
requires use of two application programs rather than one) and it limits downloading to only one VOIP unit
at a time. With an FTP client program, multiple VOIPs can receive FTP file transmissions in response to a
single command (the transfers may occur serially however).
Although Multi-Tech does not provide an FTP client program with the MultiVOIP GSM software or endorse
any particular FTP client program, we remind our readers that adequate FTP programs are readily
available under retail, shareware and freeware licenses. (Read and observe any End-User License
Agreement carefully.) Two examples of this are the “WSFTP” client and the “SmartFTP” client, with the
former having an essentially text-based interface and the latter having a more graphically oriented
interface, as of this writing. User preferences will vary.
4. Enable FTP Functionality. Go to the IP Parameters screen and click on the “FTP Server: Enable” box.
Enable FTP server
5. Identify Files to be Updated. Determine which files you want to update. See table below.
File Type File Names Description
factory defaults fdefFtp.cnf This file contains factory default settings for user-changeable
configuration parameters. Only one file of this type will be in the
inbound phonebook InPhBk.tmr This file updates the inbound phonebook in the MultiVOIP GSM unit.
outbound phonebook OutPhBk.tmr This file updates the outbound phonebook in the MultiVOIP GSM