
Chapter 6: Using the Software
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MVPGSM 83
6. Contact MultiVOIP GSM FTP Server. You must make contact with the FTP Server in the VOIP using either
a web browser or FTP client program. Enter the IP address of the MultiVOIP GSM’s FTP Server. If you are
using a browser, the address must be preceded by “ftp://” (otherwise you’ll reach the web interface within
the MultiVOIP GSM unit).
FTP address
7. Log In. Use the User Name and password established in item #2 above. The login screens will differ
depending on whether the FTP file transfer is to be done with a web browser or with an FTP client
program (varies).
8. Use Download. Downloading can be done with a web browser or with an FTP client program.
Download with Web Browser:
In the local Windows browser, locate the directory holding the MultiVOIP GSM program files. The
default location will be C:\Program Files \Multi-Tech Systems \MultiVOIP GSM xxxx yyyy (where x and y
represent MultiVOIP model and software version numbers).
Right-click on the file and select Copy files from Windows Explorer.
Change focus to the Web browser window (left-clicking on the title bar will accomplish this), then right-
click in the browser window showing the file and select Paste.
You may be asked to confirm the overwriting of files on the MultiVOIP GSM. Do so.
File transfer between PC and VOIP will look like a transfer within VOIP directories.