National Instruments NI 6120 Switch User Manual

© National Instruments Corporation I-7 NI 6115/6120 User Manual
See also GPCTR0_GATE signal
description (table), 4-5
signal summary (table), 4-7
PFIs (programmable function inputs)
questions about, B-5
signal name equivalencies (table), B-5
signal routing, 3-10
timing connections, 4-20
phase-locked loop circuit
block diagram, 3-10
description, 3-9
phone technical support, C-1
physical specifications, A-17
pin assignments
I/O connector (figure), 4-2
PXI-6115/6120 J2 pin assignments
(table), 1-3
PLL. See phase-locked loop circuit, 3-9
polarity. See input polarity and range
posttriggered data acquisition, 4-20
power connections
+5 V power pins, 4-18, B-2
incorrect connections (caution), 4-18
power-on states of PFI and DIO lines, B-6
self-resetting fuse, 4-18, B-2
power requirement specifications, A-17
power-on states of PFI and DIO lines, B-6
pretriggered data acquisition, 4-21
professional services, C-1
programmable function inputs (PFIs). See
PFIs (programmable function inputs)
programming examples, C-1
pseudodifferential signal connections
definition, 4-8
ground-referenced signals (figure), 4-9
PXI-6115/6120 J2 pin assignments
(table), 1-3
using with CompactPCI, 1-2
questions and answers
analog input and output, B-3
general information, B-1
installation and configuration, B-2
timing and digital I/O, B-5
Real-Time System Integration. See RTSI
related documentation, xiii
requirements for getting started, 1-3
bus signal connections (figure), 3-13
correlating DIO signals, 4-16
description, 3-12
overview, 1-1
description, 3-12
specifications, A-17
safety information, 1-8
safety specifications, A-18
sampling rate
maximum, B-1
minimum, B-3
scan counter
typical posttriggered acquisition
(figure), 4-21
typical pretriggered acquisition, 4-21
SCANCLK signal
description (table), 4-3
signal summary (table), 4-6
timing connections, 4-28
self-calibration, 5-2
self-resetting fuse, 4-18, B-2