NEC ISDN-PRI Printer Accessories User Manual

Program 15 : Extension, Basic Setup
15-06 : Trunk Access Map for Extensions
72 Aspire ISDN PRI Manual
Telephone Programming Instructions
To enter data for Program 15-06 (Trunk Access Map for Extensions):
1. Enter the programming mode.
2. 15 06
3. Enter the number of the item you want to program.
4. Select the telephone number to be programmed by pressing the FLASH or the VOLUME
or VOLUME keys.
5. Enter data for the item you selected + HOLD.
6. Enter data for the next item in the program.
Press MSG once to enter a new item number.
Press MSG until you’ve exited that series’s programming section.
15-06-01 TEL301
Mode1 Acc-Map 1
15-06-nn TELnnn