NETGEAR D6200-100NAS Network Router User Manual

Advanced Settings
D6200 WiFi DSL Modem Router
If your Internet connection does not use PPPoE, DHCP, or fixed, but is IPv6, then
select IPv6 auto config.
3. Click Appl
Traffic Meter
Traffic metering allows you to monitor the volume of Internet traffic passing through your WiFi
DSL modem router’s Internet port. With the traffic meter utility, you can set limits for traffic
volume, set a monthly limit, and get a live update of traffic usage.
To monitor Internet traffic:
1. Click ADVA
NCED > Advanced Setup > Traffic Meter.
2. Select the Enable Traffic Meter check box.
3. Enter the time and day to restart the traffic counter.
4. Click Restart Counter
5. (Optional) Select the
Traffic volume control by radio button.
To record and restrict the volume of Internet traffic, select one of the
following options for
controlling the traffic volume:
No limit. No restriction is
applied when the traffic limit is reached.
Download only. The re
striction is applied to incoming traffic only.
Both directions. The restriction
is applied to both incoming and outgoing traffic.
6. Specify how many Mbytes of data traffic per month are allowed, or specify how many hours
of traf
fic are allowed.
7. Set the traffic counter to begin at a specific time and date.