Advanced Settings
D6200 WiFi DSL Modem Router
• Cancel. Discard any unsaved changes to the Enable setting for each policy.
• Add Auto
Policy. Display the VPN - Auto Policy screen. When the new policy is
saved, it appears in the bottom row of the Policy Table. See Add or Edit an Auto VPN
Policy on page 137.
• Add Manual Pol
icy. Display the VPN - Manual Policy screen. When the new policy is
saved, it appears in the bottom row of the Policy Table. See Add or Edit a Manual
VPN Policy on page 140
Add or Edit an Auto VPN Policy
An Auto VPN policy uses the IKE (Internet Key Protocol) to exchange and negotiate
parameters for the IPSec SA (security association). Because of this negotiation, not all of the
settings on this VPN gateway have to match the settings on the remote VPN endpoint.
Where settings have match, this requirement is indicated.
To add or edit an Auto VPN Policy:
1. Click ADVA
NCED > Advanced Setup > VPN Policies.
2. Click the Add A
uto Policy.
3. Enter or select the following settings:
• General. These settings id
entify this policy and determine its major characteristics.
- Policy Name. Enter
a unique name to identify this policy.
This name is not supplied to the remote VPN end
point. It is used only to help you
manage the policies.
- Remote
point. If the remote endpoint has a dynamic IP address, select
Dynamic IP Address.