Chapter 1: Getting Started | 15
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
Switch Discovery in a Network without a DHCP Server
This section describes how to use the Smart Control Center to set up your switch in a
network without a DHCP server. If your network has no DHCP service, you must assign a
static IP address to your switch. If you choose, you can assign it a static IP address, even if
your network has DHCP service.
To assign a static IP address:
1. Connect the switch to your existing network.
2. Power on the switch by plugging in the AC-DC power adapter.
3. Install the Smart Control Center on your computer.
4. Start the Smart Control Center.
5. Click Discover for the Smart Control Center to find your GS716T and GS724T switch. The
utility broadcasts Layer 2 discovery packets within the broadcast domain to discover the
switch. You should see a screen similar to Figure on page 13.
6. Select the switch, then click Configure Device. The page expands to display additional
fields at the bottom of the page, as the following figure shows.
7. Choose the Disabled radio button to disable DHCP.
8. Enter the static switch IP address, gateway IP address, and subnet mask for the switch, and
then type your password.
Tip: You must enter the current password every time you use the Smart
Control Center to update the switch setting. The default password is