62 | Chapter 2: Configuring System Information
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
Field Description
Port Details
Local Port Displays the interface on the local system that received LLDP information
from a remote system.
MSAP Entry Displays the Media Service Access Point (MSAP) entry number for the
remote device.
Basic Details
Chassis ID Subtype Identifies the type of data displayed in the
Chassis ID field on the remote
Chassis ID Identifies the remote 802 LAN device's chassis.
Port ID Subtype Identifies the type of data displayed in the remote system’s
Port ID field.
Port ID Identifies the physical address of the port on the remote system from which
the data was sent.
Port Description Identifies the user-defined description of the port.
System Name Identifies the system name associated with the remote device.
System Description Specifies the description of the selected port associated with the remote
System Capabilities Specifies the system capabilities of the remote system.
Managed Addresses
Address SubType Specifies the type of the management address.