60 | Chapter 2: Configuring System Information
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
Neighbors Information
Use the LLDP Neighbors Information page to view the data that a specified interface has
received from other LLDP-enabled systems.
To display the LLDP Neighbors Information page, click System > LLDP > Advanced >
Neighbors Information.
Auto-Negotiation Enabled Displays the port speed auto-negotiation support status. The possible values
are True (enabled) or False (disabled).
Auto Negotiation Advertised
Displays the port speed auto-negotiation capabilities such as 1000BASE-T
half-duplex mode or 100BASE-TX full-duplex mode.
Operational MAU Type Displays the Medium Attachment Unit (MAU) type. The MAU performs
physical layer functions, including digital data conversion from the Ethernet
interface collision detection and bit injection into the network.
MED Details
Capabilities Supported Displays the MED capabilities enabled on the port.
Current Capabilities Displays the TLVs advertised by the port.
Device Class Network Connectivity indicates the device is a network connectivity device.
Network Policies
Application Type Specifies the media application type associated with the policy.
VLAN ID Specifies the VLAN ID associated with the policy.
VLAN Type Specifies whether the VLAN associated with the policy is tagged or untagged.
User Priority Specifies the priority associated with the policy.
DSCP Specifies the DSCP associated with a particular policy type.
Field Description