48 | Chapter 2: Configuring System Information
GS716Tv2 and GS724Tv3 Software Administration Manual
Community Configuration
To display this page, click System SNMP SNMP V1/V2 Community Configuration.
By default, two SNMP Communities exist:
• Private, with Read/Write privileges and status set to Enable.
• Public, with Read Only privileges and status set to Enable.
These are well-known communities. Use this page to change the defaults or to add other
communities. Only the communities that you define using this page will have access to the
switch using the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c protocols. Only those communities with read/write
level access can be used to change the configuration using SNMP.
Use this page when you are using the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c protocol.
To configure SNMP communities:
1. To add a new SNMP community, enter community information in the available fields
described below, and then click Add.
• Management Station IP. Specify the IP address of the management station.Together,
the Management Station IP and the Management Station IP Mask denote a range of
IP addresses from which SNMP clients may use that community to access this
device. If either (Management Station IP or Management Station IP Mask) value is, access is allowed from any IP address. Otherwise, every client’s address is
ANDed with the mask, as is the Management Station IP Address; and, if the values
are equal, access is allowed. For example, if the Management Station IP and
Management Station IP Mask parameters are, then any
client whose address is through (inclusive) will be allowed
access. To allow access from only one station, use a Management Station IP Mask
value of, and use that machine’s IP address for Client Address.
• Management Station IP Mask. Specify the subnet mask to associate with the
management station IP address.