Netopia CLI 874 Network Router User Manual

2-108 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
show version [ cli ] [ firmware ] [ hardware ] [ mib ] [ wan 1 ] [ wan 2 ]
This command allows you to display some or all of the router's version strings. If you don't specify anything
after the keyword version, the router displays a list of all of the version strings; otherwise it displays the
specified version string.
The R-Series WAN interface module firmware version is displayed for the specified WAN module, wan 1 or wan
2. wan1 is an acceptable substitute for wan 1; wan2 is an acceptable substitute for wan 2.
The CLI, hardware, and product-specific SNMP MIB version strings consist of a major version, minor version,
release stage, and revision, displayed in the (decimal) form “MM.mmsrr”, where:
‘MM’ is the major version,
‘mm’ is the minor version,
‘s’ is the release stage -– e (experimental), d (development), a (alpha), b (beta), or f (final),
‘rr’ is the revision.
The firmware version string consists of a major version, minor version, point release version, release stage, and
revision, displayed in the (decimal) form “”, where:
‘MM’ is the major version,
‘mm’ is the minor version,
‘pp’ is the point release version,
‘s’ is the release stage – d (development), a (alpha), b (beta), fc (final candidate), or f (final),
‘rr’ is the revision.
#show version
cli version: 01.00d00
firmware version: 04.10.00
hardware version: 01.00f00
mib version: 01.00f00
wan1 version: fw v1.0.6
wan1 version: V2.210-N-V90_2M_DLS
system restart-delay [ time (minutes) | no ]
show system restart-delay
Note: These commands are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.
The system restart-delay command schedules a system reset for a specified number of minutes from now. The
show command displays how many minutes are left before a reset will take place. The no modifier, or setting
the time to zero, cancels the scheduled reset.