
Adjust color, contrast, and sharpness
The Curves palette makes it possible to adjust color balance and contrast in specific por-
tions of the tone range. For example, you can selectively enhance detail in dark portions of
the image (shadow), brighten mid-tones, or bring out details in highlights. Changes can
be made to all the component colors in the image or only to specific color components
Color Balance
The Color Balance palette can be used to adjust brightness, contrast, and color balance
over the entire tone range.
LCH Editor
The LCH Editor is used to adjust brightness and contrast in specific portions of the tone
range, edit chroma to modify color saturation, or “vividness,” and change one set of hues
(or colors) in the image to a different color.
Unsharp Mask
The tools in the Unsharp Mask palette sharpen outlines, either throughout the image or
only where specific colors predominate.
To open any of the above palettes, click the triangle at its top left corner.
Pg. For more information on:
63 Curves
76 Color Balance
78 The LCH Editor
85 Unsharp Mask