4000 ED
Select the search option
Select the search option and click Next.
Insert the Nikon Scan 3 CD
Holding down the shift key to prevent the
Welcome program from starting automati-
cally, insert the Nikon Scan 3 CD into the
CD-ROM drive.
The Welcome Window
If the Welcome program starts automati-
cally when you insert the Nikon Scan CD,
click Exit to close the Welcome window.
Reinstall the drivers
Reinstall the drivers as described in steps 3–8 of “Registering the Scanner with Windows
2000 Professional” ( 37–38).
Click Finish
When the wizard displays a message stat-
ing that it has found the drivers for your
scanner, click Finish to complete installa-
tion. If prompted to restart the computer,
click Yes.
Confirm device registration
Confirm that the scanner has been correctly registered with the system as described in
“Confirming Device Registration (Windows 2000 Professional)” ( 40–41).