You must delete the session on the MinIT 6000 and re-create it with a different name or
delete the other printer from the AS/400.
Problem 5.2
When you try to start a printer session, it pops up with a message: “The connection
request has been rejected by the host”.
Possible Cause 5.2.1
Using Host Print Transform but the Host Print Transform Name is not valid.
The name must have the splat (asterisk) *, in front of it. You must use a manufacturer and
Model that is supported by your AS/400.
1. On your AS400, Using the CHGDEVPRT command, the printer settings should be:
Host print transform . . . . . . *YES
Manufacturer type and model. . *SAME
2. Place the cursor on the Manufacturer type and model.. *SAME line.
3. Press F4, which will bring up the Specify Value for Parameter MFRTYPMDL.
This is where you can see your choices for Manufacturer type and model. For
example: *IBM3280, *HPII, *HP5SI, *EPDFX5000, *LEXOPTRA, *EPLQ860,
*CANLIPS3, *OKI320IBM, *NECP2200, *PAN2624EP, *XRX4235, or
4. If you want more information on what one of these choices support, you can use F1
on this screen. You do not have to find your exact model. For instance, if you have an
HP printer it is likely that any of the lower level HP selections will work, like HPII or
HPIII, because all HP printers support PCL, and the difference between them is in the
options that are supported.
5. Once you have chosen a printer to try, you must type that in on the Manufacturer
type and model field.
Possible Cause 5.2.2
Using Host Print Transform but the printer name is not valid or you are using *WSCST,
but the name or library is not valid.
• Make certain that you put an * in front of the name.
• Change the IBMWSCSTLIB to QGPL
For further help, you can contact Technical Support at