16 SMART-AG User Manual Rev 2
Congratulations on your purchase of the SMART-AG, a GPS L1 plus GLONASS L1 receiver and
antenna with exceptional flexibility and performance.
NovAtel is an industry leader in state-of-the-art Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiver
design. We believe that our SMART-AG will meet your high expectations, and are working hard to
ensure that future products and enhancements maintain that level of satisfaction.
This is your primary hardware and software reference.
This manual provides sufficient detail on the SMART-AG, to allow you to effectively integrate and
fully operate it. The information in this manual is a companion to the OEMV family information in
the OEMV Firmware Reference Manual and the OEMV Installation and Operation User Manual.
After the addition of accessories and a power supply, the SMART-AG is ready to go.
SMART-AG utilizes a comprehensive user-interface command structure, which requires
communications through its communications (COM) ports. This manual describes the SMART-AG-
specific commands and logs, see Commands starting on Page 57 and Logs starting on Page 67. Other
supplementary manuals, available on the accompanying CD and on our website at http://
www.novatel.com/support/docupdates.htm, aid you in using the other commands and logs available in
the OEMV family of receivers.
PC Utilities are also described, see Chapter 4 starting on Page 35. Integrated with the Control and
Display Unit (CDU) software, these utilities provide graphical user interfaces for logging to a PC/
laptop, upgrading, and converting data types.
The installation chapters of this document provide information concerning the installation
requirements and considerations for SMART-AG. To run the PC software supplied, your personal
computer must meet or exceed this minimum configuration:
Windows compatible mouse or pointing device and SVGA display
Although previous experience with Windows is not necessary to use CDU, familiarity with certain
actions that are customary in Windows will assist in the usage of the program. This manual has been
written with the expectation that you already have a basic familiarity with Windows.