Paradyne 6341 Network Router User Manual

A. Command Line Interface
A-30 November 2003 6300-A2-GB20-10
show statistics [ eth1 | dsl1 | ip | bridge | pppoe | tftp]
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Displays the specified set of statistics. If no set is specified, ALL statistics for the router are
shown except:
TFTP statistics.
Bridge statistics are only displayed when bridging is enabled.
PPPoE statistics are only displayed when the PPPoE client is enabled.
eth1 – Ethernet interface statistics.
dsl1 – DSL interface statistics.
ip – IP processing statistics.
bridge – Bridge statistics.
pppoe – PPPoE statistics.
tftp – TFTP statistics.
show statistics eth1
The following statistics are displayed for show statistics eth1:
eth1 statistics:
Total Bytes Received nnnn
Total Bytes Transmitted nnnn
Total Frames Received nnnn
Total Frames Transmitted nnnn
Single Collision on Tx nnnn
Multiple Collision on Tx nnnn
Late Collision on Tx nnnn
No Carrier Detect on Tx nnnn
Pauses on Tx nnnn
Defers on Tx nnnn
Total Frames Discarded nnnn
Zero valued discards are not shown
Refer to Table 5-2, Reasons for Ethernet Interface (eth1) Discarded Frames, in Chapter 5,
Monitoring the DSL Router, for additional information.
(Continued on next page)
Table A-17. Show Commands (7 of 10)