A. Command Line Interface
A-24 November 2003 6300-A2-GB20-10
Show Commands
Table A-17. Show Commands (1 of 10)
show alarms
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Displays a list of the current alarm conditions, if any.
Possible alarm conditions include:
Alarm: Management Address Conflict
Alarm: Failed Selftest
Alarm: System Error
Alarm: DSL Handshake Failure
No alarm condition is set
Alarm condition reverts to Normal when the problem has been corrected.
show arp
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Sample show arp display:
MAC addr timeout (min) status
x.x.x.x xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx xxxx xxxx
– Timeout value shown is the actual time left for the specific entry.
– For configured static entries, the timeout value shown is Static.
– Status is Complete or Incomplete.
show arp timeout
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Sample show arp timeout display:
ARP – timeout for complete = xx min. timeout for incomplete = xx sec.