C. Traps and MIBs
6300-A2-GB20-10 November 2003
Interfaces Group (RFC 1573)
The evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB II (RFC 1573 converted to SNMP v1)
consists of an object indicating the number of interfaces supported by the DSL
router and an interface table containing an entry for each interface. Refer to
Table C-3, Interfaces Group Objects, for the objects supported for the DSL and
Ethernet interfaces.
The Interface Stack Group table does not apply, but is required for MIB
compliance. One row will be displayed with ifStackHigherLayer=0 and
ifStackLowerLayer=0. The ifStackStatus=2 (enumerated value for notInService)
and is read-only. The Interface Test Table and the Generic Receive Address
Table are not supported.
Object Description Setting/Contents
(system 7)
The DSL router provides
routing and host application
services; i.e., Ping and
physical(1) – Layer 1 functionality for DSL and Ethernet
datalink/subnetwork(2) – Layer 2 functionality for:
– DSL interface and
– Ethernet interface (LLC)
internet(4) – Layer 3 functionality (IP) for all
management links.
end-to-end(8) – Layer 4 functionality (TCP) for all
management links.
application(64) – Layer 7 functionality for all
management links.
Object is set to 4+8+64 (76).
Table C-2. System Group Objects (2 of 2)
Table C-3. Interfaces Group Objects (1 of 3)
Object Description Setting/Contents
(interfaces 1)
Supported as specified in the
Evolution MIB.
Specifies the number of interfaces for this unit in the
(ifEntry 1)
Provides the index into the
interface table (ifTable) and to
other MIB tables.
ifIndex calculation:
(Slot # * 1000 + local port) * 1000
+ remote ifIndex
Remote ifIndex (DSL router ifIndex) and Interface:
0 – DSL router.
1 – Ethernet interface.
2 – DSL network interface.
noSuchName – Unsupported index entered.
(ifEntry 2)
Supplies text for each interface:
Text Strings for each interface:
“DSL Interface; Card Type (IDSL, RADSL, SDSL,
ReachDSL); S/W Release:yyy.yy.yy;
H/W Release:zzzz-zzz”
“Ethernet Interface; Card Type (frame format
Type II or SNAP); S/W Release:yyy.yy.yy;
H/W Release:zzzz-zzz”