9-12 Defining Special Fields
- Select Component -
Slash (/)
Dash (-)
Colon (:)
Blank Space
4 Digit Year
2 Digit Year
Numeric Month
3-Char. Alpha Month
2 Digit Day
Julian Day of Year
Hour (Base 24)
Hour (Base 12)
AM/PM Indicator
- > HH:MM
Slash (/)
Dash (-)
Colon (:)
Blank Space
4 Digit Year
2 Digit Year
9. Start building your date/time stamp. Write
down the way you want your date/time stamp
to appear. For example, to create a date/time
stamp that looks like this:
and prints like this:
10. Select Hour (Base 24). Press e.
Select Colon (:). Press e.
Select Minutes. Press e.
The date/time stamp appears on the top line
while you are creating it.
If you make a mistake while entering the
date/time stamp, press f 1 to backup
one position.
Enter Fixed Data
Press ENTER if none
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11. Press e for no fixed data.
Enter Row #
> _ _ _
12. Type 40 for the row location. Press e.
Enter Col. #
> _ _ _
13. Type 10 for the column location. Press