3-4 Configuring the Printer
Set I2 of 5 Scan Lengths
I2 of 5 bar codes are used in industrial environments and contain only
numeric data. This menu option specifies the two valid data lengths (number
of digits) when you scan this bar code. See Chapter 6, “Defining Bar Code
Fields,” for more information about I2 of 5 bar codes.
Enter I2of5 Scan
Length #1 >_ _
1. Enter the first length and press e.
Enter I2of5 Scan
Length #2 >_ _
2. Enter the second length and press e.
The General Options Menu appears.
NOTE: Both lengths must be an even number.
Reset/Clear Formats
Delete All Formats?
Are you sure? Y/N
Press Y to delete all formats in the printer. Press
N to keep the formats. The General Options
Menu appears.
CAUTION: You cannot undo a deletion.
Select Currency
-Select Currency-
US Dollars
French Francs
Spanish Pesetas
Belgian Francs
German Marks
British Pounds
Swedish Krona
Danish Marks
Austrian Schilling
Japanese Yen
Scroll to select the currency symbol to use with
price fields and press e. The General
Options Menu appears. Default: US Dollars.