Polycom KWS6000 Server User Manual

KIRK Handset Registration and Subscription
Changing to another System Automatically Using Auto Login B
1 Press MENU – go to MENU LOGIN.
2 Press 3 – go to SELECT LOGIN.
3 Press 3 – go to SELECT LOGIN AUTO B.
4 Press 3.
The handset automatically selects a system.
The selected system is marked with a B.
Changing to another System Manually
If you would like to change to another system:
1 Press MENU - go to MENU LOGIN.
2 Press 3 - go to SELECT LOGIN to subscribe to a system.
The actual chosen system is marked with an * or an A (if auto login is
3 Press 3 - use the < > keys to scroll between the IDs of the different
systems to find the system to which you want to connect.
Under SELECT LOGIN only subscriptions display. Free positions do not
4 Press 3 to confirm.
KIRK 5020/5040 Handset
A handset can be subscribed to more systems and will automatically log on to
the relevant system. If a handset is subscribed to two or more systems, you can
use Auto Login type A to change between the systems automatically.
When to use Auto Login type A:
Auto Login A should only be used in separate systems without overlaps.
If a handset looses signal from the system (the display showing a no signal
icon), then after 20 seconds the handset will start searching for an
alternative system available from the Login list and automatically change
to this system.
Note: Using Auto Login A any call will be dropped when changing to an
alternative system.
Auto Login B can be used in separate systems which are overlapping each