Polycom KWS6000 Server User Manual

AC Authentication Code
ARI no. Access Rights Identity - Serial number of the KWS6000
CLI Command Line Interface
dB Decibels (deciBells)
DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS Domain Name System
e.i.r.p. Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
GAP Generic Access Profile
HW PCS Hardware Product Change Status - Hardware edition
IP Internet Protocol
IPEI International Portable Equipment Identity - Serial number of the
handset - SN
IWU Inter Working Unit
KWS KIRK Wireless Server
KWS6000 KIRK Wireless Server 6000
LAN Local Area Network
LED Light Emitting Diode
MAC Media Access Control - hardware address of a device connected to
a network
MTU Maximum Translation Unit
MWI Message Weighing Indication
NIC Network Interface Card
NTP Network Time Protocol
PBX Private Branch eXchange
PCS Product Change Status (Edition)
PoE Power over Ethernet
PP Portable Parts - wireless handset
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
RTP Real-time Transport Protocol
SIP Session Initiated Protocol
SW PCS Software Product Change Status - Software edition
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol