32 IsoPlane
SCT 320 Manual Version 1.B
3.4.2 Perform Alignment
Because the detector is mounted directly to the mounting plate on the IsoPlane, the rotational
alignment and focusing operations are different from the way these operations are performed for
an Acton SP Series spectrograph. The following information assumes that you are familiar with
the locations of the mounting plate, Micrometer Compartment, and the locking set screw. If not,
refer to earlier sections of this manual.
1. Mount a light source such as a Princeton Instruments Hg and Ne/Ar Dual Switchable
light source in front of the entrance slit.
2. With the IsoPlane properly connected to the computer, turn the power on, wait for the
spectrograph to initialize.
3. With the detector mounted to the spectrograph and connected to the computer, turn on the
power and wait for the detector to initialize. If the detector is LN-cooled, the Dewar
should be filled.
4. Start the application software. Because you are using LightField, you will need to drag the
icons for the detector and the IsoPlane into the Experiment Devices area.
5. Set the spectrograph to 500 nm if using a mercury source or to 0.0 nm if using a
broadband source.
6. Wait until the detector locks at its default temperature.
7. Using a 9/64” hex wrench, loosen the four screws at the corners of the detector mounting plate.
8. Select the Align Spectrometer function from the Experiment menu to open the
Spectrometer Alignment dialog. This dialog describes the changes that LightField will
make to the current setup to assist you in performing rotational alignment of the array to
the spectrograph's optics. When you click on the Begin button, the modifications are
made and continuous live data will be displayed as you rotate the detector.
Figure 3-3. Spectrometer Alignment dialog